So many players have had it with being duped into all the false claims of big winners whom apparently “won” using their software, absolutely fed up with these systems that are essentially well advertised useless crap, such as The Lotto Black Book, Lottery Method, Lotto Master Formula, Formula 1 Lotto System, Lotto Variant System, Beat The Lotto, Lottery Circle Software, Silver Lotto System, Mark Bower Lottery System and so on, and so on, and so on. All of these ridiculous lotto systems have been reviewed and all are virtually useless systems which claim such on cloud nine percentages with one intention, to fool you and not take your money, literally steal your money even if it is 100% Guaranteed money back there is usually a show us all your losing tickets catch which you have to mail them, then so much time passes they claim the 30 days is over to bad so sad, bottom line you will NOT get a refund.

The simple reality is cleaver Marketers are dreaming up and shoveling these very lousy lottery systems that flat out do not work! Sorry if you have fallen for the scam. It’s a trap as they hype up the pages full of lies such as this person won xx million, yet when you really look into it the only mention is some fake forum post, the official lottery has zero mention of it, where is the real press release, as it does not exist, solid false advertising to suck you in is all they really offer you. To further the problem most of these lottery systems are based on lottery wheeling or some secret formula, or the classic smart numbers which is code name for random, these systems are created very fast, completely un-tested and or proven in anyway shape of form. It’s 100% advertise gimmicks that give you ridiculous win rates of 90% to 100% unfortunately people do fall for these lies as they think if it does not work i get a 100% refund, think again, you’ll get 110% run around. The gimmick works you in with false hope and gives you such a hassle to get your guaranteed refund, while they walk away with your money laughing all the way to the bank, that you are forever turned off of lotto software. Which is sad when there are so many amazing real systems out there such as the best lotto software Lotto Logic?

Real reviews of systems such as Lotto Master Formula, Silver lotto System, Lottery Method, Lottery Crusher, Lottery Winning Package, The Lotto Black Book, Lottery Circle Software System, Formula 1 Lotto System and so many other popping up everyday have all been reported as bad systems they are by lotto players worldwide. The sellers of these lotto systems are have no lotto understanding, they are marketers filling their pockets full of your money. Of course they are lottery experts, right? Do experts sell the same systems you can find for free on the internet, or better yet completely re-name the exact same system and sell it again under a new and improved scam, or simply change the year of the programs name, year after year, after year, after year, you get the picture. Sorry but the truth is they are not lottery experts they know one thing and one thing only, how to weasel money from you.

In closing it is extremely sad at how many people have been swindled by these marketing systems not lotto systems! All these marketing systems have the exact same thing in common they are sold through Click Bank. People fall for it and you live and learn. If a lottery system is claiming someone won xx million walk away as 9 out of 10 times it is a poor system that will never win the lottery let alone get even a number right.

If you need a program with substance with useful information on the lotto do yourself a favor and check out Lotto Logic, its nearing 250 thousand download at, nearly a quarter million while the so called “competition” isn’t even close to hitting 50k, you know that’s all the proof you need right there as to what works and what doesn’t. Once you start using this lotto software and you actually start getting results all I can say is, you’re welcome!